Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Representing Programming Object Metadata Using the IEEE LOM Methodology
تمثيل البيانات الوصفية للكائنات البرمجية باستخدام المعايير المنهجية لجمعية مهندسي الكهرباء والالكترونيات (IEEE LOM Methodology) والخاصة بالبيانات الوصفية للكائنات التعليمية
Subject : Programming Object Metadata Using the IEEE LOM 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Software engineering is concerned with developing reusable high-quality programming objects such as architectures, source code, data, designs, documentation, templates, human interfaces, plans, requirements, and test cases. In order to deploy such as these objects, we need to maintain a metadata for them. In this paper, we used the term Programming Object Metadata for such a metadata. Currently, there is no standard for this type of metadata. Therefore, this paper focuses on developing a metadata for the programming objects by using IEEE Learning Object Metadata 1484.12.1-2002 methodology. The proposed metadata was validated by providing an example of a Programming Object Metadata (POM) in XML format. 
ISSN : 22214275 
Journal Name : Asian Transactions on Computers (ATC) 
Volume : 1 
Issue Number : 5 
Publishing Year : 1432 AH
2011 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Wednesday, April 25, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
دانيال الغزاويAlghazzawi, Daniyal


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 33034.pdf pdfRepresenting Programming Object Metadata Using the IEEE LOM Methodology

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