Project: A research engine for the students’ projects in the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.

Introduction: The students of the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology may face difficulties  in finding a research project because of the lack of information and facilities.

For example, the student may find an idea  of a project but sometimes there is enough information about it or sometimes the same idea might be performed again and again.

So, the idea of creating a research engine that includes all the research projects of the students of the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology is the feasible solution that is going to help the students with their research projects.

Sometimes, the students can develop an previous project because they have new ideas that can be used to develop that project.

Our research engine is a web-page on which the research words can be entered in the research box, so that all the related projects are going to be listed and displayed. When clicking on a certain research project, all the information of the project will be displayed in a PDF file format.

The concerned parties:

-          The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.

-          The academic staff.

The students of the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.

Last Update
1/9/2010 9:09:06 PM