Project: Expert System for Diabetics
Project: Expert System for Diabetics
Expert system for diabetics, contains a database with information Almarafnp patients, and also contains a database of patients that which we can use in the report of the best way to avoid symptoms Padm for other complications
وطبيعة النظام طرح اسئلة علي المريض مما يسهل معرفة القرار السليم في كل حالة تواجهه وتوفر الوقت والجهد And the nature of the system to ask questions of the patient, making it easier to know the right decision in each case the face and save time and effort
- Requests from the patient device to measure blood sugar every time entered into the system
- جهاز قياس الوزن لإدخالها في النظام في كل مرة Device to measure the weight entered into the system each time